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Tag Archives: twitter

Today’s Web Laureate Insight to last Tuesday’s poem…

Twitter: Paragliding Whales


is in the air after the recent announcement from twitter investor fred wilson and his warning to stop wasting time filling the vast ‘holes’ of twitter. it was not long until the warnings became real to many, for example, the purchase of popular twitter clients for blackberry and iphone – chirp.


was the resonance found by many caught in unexpecting, unsuspecting states, those did not expect to ‘be pressed’.. one who was ceo founder of seesmic. i and others too feel that ‘the unconstrained’ creative people, forced to think outside the box, will in the end be better, by not focusing merely on the many many many shortcomings of twitter

will the next hole to be filled be that which now fills? what would be their best move?

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there is no danger
like that of a paragliding whale
with heft buoyed
by the ingenuity of those prior
for once that which is imminently pressing
be pressed
no hole shall remain unfilled

if there can be
one thing learned
from those that subvert
gravity’s will
is that it be of 26113_whale[1]
far better planned goals
place to be among
the unconstrained
than deep within those holes


Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

Today’s Web Laureate Classic Insight into last Thursday’s poem…

Twitter: Oh Twitter!


simplicity in spirit, and intended to ooze the frivolously fun that twitter can be

at the time of the writing of this poem … and often discussed and argued to this day … is the necessity of a business model for twitter — so with fun throughout, the question remains, is it too much fun and not enough focus on the sustainable generation of a dollar or 2 (probably more to be sustainable :D)


if you add up all the characters you will see that this poem is also a PERFECT TWEET, 140 characters

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

I_tweeted[1]To you
Who I love to speak
In time
Tersely shared
Tweeted tweeted tweeted – TWEET
Everyone who does do follow
Really all hoping for business model


originally conceived January 2, 2008

Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

introductions are not necessary.
of what I mean, was meant.
by the things together taken,
from tweets, updates of like.

a full of fear of, itty piggzies,
least at, their cute sneezies.
undone, not to been be,
by success, sci fi, fantasy.

as now these trends reveal,
all together different,
from one to another,
and simultaneously,
between those,
of both and either,
connected more,
the future brings,
where –
transparent be and
transparentmost completely
not ,
transparentforgotten and un-


from all around the net,
from across the many ocean,
on this day of fowl,
people tweet and say,
for what they are thankful for,
as with family they gather, play.

yet, sight should not be lost,
of across greater beyond,
far world in bunch of air,
many would wager, as do I,
a supposition of more thanks,
as comes december, and the blue guy.


In honor of
Earth Day we
Advocate, say
Let those can
Be re-used and recycled

Such so as
The thoughts
Ideas, concepts
Of more, on
From and to
URL shortening
Twitter mashing
Social net apping
Flim-flam flapping

Lest our brash call
Be too much
On thought
Second arrived
When it comes to
Saving the Earth
Just maybe
There should be
Those best not

Over here!
Over here!
I am over-over here.
Been chatting,
Both far and near.

The group
Keeps on growing,
The area is showing,
The pics,
The heads,
Of people
’round me.

United —
To a point —
From afar —
And more.

Over here,
From a tweet,
To somewhere,
On the Earth,
I am here,
To share,
And to gather.

With friends,
New and old,
The social world,

We vote,
And we share,
From most everywhere,
And especially,
Most notably,
From here.

The Web Laureate blog and I have had an awesome year, from learning about cool new products to meeting many of my poetically inclined fans.

And, for some fun,
I thought I would share
Before year is done
2009 almost here
Top from 11 to one
The most popular
From Web and beyond
Wishing you a Happy New Year !!!


Oh Twitter!


Bringing the Lights


Chrome on my Head


Life is a Box


somewhere nice


not enough
(nbcolympics, youtube, veetle)


Now, Kirtsy


Away Online – LOST
("virtual worlds")


Tripping Thumbs


shareful lineup


Triple Points, Less 92


Around, around,
I twhirl, twhirl, twhirl,
Changes keep coming,
I hop and I dance and spring,
Between one and another,
To another more,

I twhirl around, twhirl around,
Happily hoping to keep pace,
Reaching out to my friends,
On Twitter, on seesmic,
On Friendfeed and —
All around twisting,

Twisting, twisting, twisting,
Changing and upgrading,
Faster the images and pictures and comments,
All zipping and whooshing by,
My happy little fingers flitting,
Round and round,

Twhirlling and whirling,
Excitedly chatting and sharing and seeing,
Straining to listen, now,
Soon new UI,
Blurring is the whirling,
The twhirl, twhirl, twhirl twhirling.