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Tag Archives: comotivate

Today’s Web Laureate Classic Insight into last Thursday’s poem…



comotivate leverages the power of groups to help you accomplish your goals


this poem is written to be read two ways. first, down each column; then in the same spirit with the same sentiment of comotivate with the two columns together accomplishing the same goal of a poem – whole — from left to right, two columns together, one row at a time

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Together We reach out
We can do For others
And we With missions
Can To accomplish
Motivate each Through purpose
Other And shared goals

originally conceived June 14, 2008

Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

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Together We reach out
We can do For others
And we With missions
Can To accomplish
Motivate each Through purpose
Other And shared goals