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Today’s Web Laureate Classic Insight into last weekend’s poem…

Google: malware


with powers increasing we must all look back to what once was the mistake of erroneously flagged human inflicted error upon many as malware — who / what can check the googley power


from the words of growing first part of "mal" on the left, combining with the growing force of "ware" together, can sometimes combine into that perfect storm of malware warnings and alerts — rocking the world and those so (erroneously) branded


the original title of this work was spelled with "malware" with the final ‘e’ being a schwa — but due to the limitations of wordpress I was unable to convey this element

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mistakes do happen
made all the time
malevolent and benign

note, when things look askew
perhaps an ‘e’ turns schwa
patience, pause the flamewar
check both hard- and soft-ware

for it all may and seems to be
an error by humans
in length, digits three
‘?/?’ was all it took
accidentally entered
MALWARE — the world shook



originally conceived February 1, 2009

Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

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Today’s Web Laureate Insight to Wednesday’s poem…

Google, Verizon, FCC: Epic Neutrality

what !

the future holds for net neutrality is uncertain, at best, determined to fail at worst — spurred by the controversially weak fcc, the google-verizon talks

the !

horizon, metaphor for the future, and equal opportunity arbiter, maintaining an unbiased place, with neither land nor sky, up nor down, large nor small corporations to overtake quash one another — maintaining a harmony and open neutrality, no favorites, all equally competing in their own way — as may should and hopefully be going forward and forever on the internet

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out there on the horizon
as one casts gaze
unable to tell
night from day
through the clouds
the misty haze
or other or inclements
through which
forward may bring…

out there on the horizon…
sky from sea
the neutral
the constant clear
up from down

the same many
one remembers
neither more
important than
one another
neither now
nor none seen
in further future


Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

Today’s Web Laureate Insight to last Monday’s poem…

Buzz: Control-Release


the chatter keeps coming from new and newer apps for socializing. recently, google released a product called buzz, with much excitement and controversy and most of all, a lot more friend to friend to person somewhere chattering

the structure of the poem inspired by one of my most frequent of muses (john keats) in iambic pentameter was so formed; designed to capture a sense of speed of change in apps, in google buzz, and online socializing in general


but for the buzz-quality, buzz-worthiness of the structure i sought to create both a sense of speed with just a touch of the awkwardness that this controversy, heavily within the realms of privacy and consumer security, has centered around. the awkwardness – the chaos within – conveyed through the juxtaposition of similar sounds prior to expected rhymes, e.g. security & privacy, restored & floor

the links to the many sides and google-unexpected buzz generated by the release of the google buzz … as well as to the many now connected facets of this growing communications hub

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from top, from high, was it released to all;
of charm it borrowed full from that, the place,
the home of idle thoughts, and more, from call
of voice to business things – them typed, embraced.

as one who leaps before the eyes have spied
the way, so too gmail’s rocket sounded.

this faint persistent rumble heard by wide…
of all, to all, of mistakes abounded.

the word, the words were many ways, but most
they focused upon lax security,
so called was it, privacy, from the host…
of reckless, of not quite maturity.

so too, abandon features, many more –
found people asked for what was found amiss,
from simple filter things, the restored floor
of noise, and grasp regained control of this.



Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

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Today’s Web Laureate Insight to last Monday’s poem…

Google: Sees Light

upon a time

google once agreed to censor, going down the path of doing somewhat less than doing no evil. that path a deep dark one, as deep and dark, as seen by some, as going through the deepest dark and dank of the dingies of the Earth


accomplished by digging a hole so deep out of which, once ventured, few, position weakened, dirtied, vision diminished, would be able to climb

aurora said

let light be shone where light is needed, and voices go unheard. upon experiencing a hack attack by origin of China, codenamed Aurora — just the light that was needed for the return commence unimpeded — Google found the strength to climb back out from that hole begun long ago


and in manner less covert than the attack and the message within Google has most basically declared that China can and must acclimate to the statement of departure and say "Google, Bye" — the same message as above composed of the syllables of each line, as 1 syllable being ‘A’ and 26 syllables ‘Z’, so too does the poem spell out the message supportively

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my mother always said – dig

a hole deep deep enough ’til out the other side you can pop

and up up emerging through where in china you will be but

that darkness traveled will have

and that journey gone the traveler who would me (,)

be smattered dirty

so used to venturing where light does not reach one’s vision dimmed and blurred only strong right return or go

as I yes did not


Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.


there is a distant planet in
a place far off. a disconnected bin
within a clouded world for hold-
ing little but the avenues most bold.
all expediting access ways, for sure,
as goaled, is it. at least as much secure
as can of modes in places most be said,
unto the thee the wanderer such tread.
once wandering to in can browse this world
as browsers do with ease upon unfurled.

once surrounded by noise and…
crying and wining with no end.
food abounds abominably;
served while squishing knee to knee.
through passage of space and time —
the journey, the glorious grime,
dispassionately embraced,
a burden most all do faced,
leavened most temporarily,
through the power of wireless free.