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Monthly Archives: May 2009

Learn this the game,
Of those take aim,
Opaque, change name,
Knock-knock on frame,
By the hour of nine,
Eastern daylight the time,
Here then, slide message thine,
Into this here, of mine,
Next, you, by me, assigned,
Dire task, against the swine,
Your quest,
Onward press,
Urge success.


of and around, folks
laned and unlaned,
identifying the jokes,
sound bends,
dead ends,

of healthier way, folks
muscle powered,
growing trend coaxed,
kick stands,


Fallen each —


To simply ask,
To shop task be,
And bask simply,
Summer free so,
Through pikaba — letting requests flow.


transparent Of many things,
transparentSee that held,
transparentSome tasty wings,
transparentAnd ol’ greens,
transparentNot yet smelled,
transparentA can baked beans,
transparentSuch mystery,
transparentNo more withheld,
transparenttransparentPerhaps with tea.

Please understand,
transparent I do not wish
transparentTo cause a fuss,
I merely,

Seek to expand,
transparentOn what said Trish
transparentOf this post thus,

Account first hand,
transparentMy thought to pitch
transparentOf means disqus,

transparentWith all they.
transparentThey so be,

transparentOf what you see,
transparentOur community.

One upon the rainbowed web,
Was scattered, far away,
Less remote can be now,
If captured brought within,
But only within,
As far as without,
That which browser binds,
For only and once released, divided,
Can it, they, be designed,
Constrained within,
A more controlled,
So be it,
A freer environ.

If there is but one last done thing now let be tonight,
Noble weight the worth, notable such is this task,
To enter just one more, a final time more,
Key: a single one, one an open sesame,
Countersign a final said by me, to forever
Open they all more —

Of all those places I can be,
There is not one I wish to see,
For I of minds too many are,
On the fence should by train or car,
But I do know at least I think…

Range of for when, and that’s in ink,
Cast I such cautioned windward go,
Make this single decision show,
Dare I dare more be so silly,
Click, best match, and try Joobili.

Unfrequently heard type,
Complexitudes the gripe,
Streaming in the pipe,
At twittering so snipe,
With words kept contrite,
Still 140 just right,
Structured more tight,
Usefulness more or slight?