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Monthly Archives: January 2010

Several seemingly say
She’s sexes so seem
Sought supplemental supplements,
Same similar sentiments.

So some surely salute,
Some several so spurn,
Suggestions — speakings …
Sex, silliness, style, stars.

Sine such stuff surely,
Suggestively studly…
Science, sports,
Software, stocks.

Clip Art Graphic of a Supplying stories,
Sets, stuck self-evident
So shows shiny,
Shiny Shine.


originally conceived March 31, 2008

Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

Today’s Web Laureate Insight to last Monday’s poem…

Competitious: Going from Cracked to Free

…the app,

the app to crowdsource, people thought share, the group’s common challenge of understanding one’s adversaries in cold, boiled down, comparative facts. so captured within, the interwoven thoughts …of a mind cracked… info cracked, distorted, confused and confusing & friends directed to free the locked up distributed knowledge… go and share free(ly) amongst all to bring forth the desired, whole picture of each and together competitor. both (left) justified as thought, standing along, together interwoven with the thought as whole – so too are the competitive strategies of competitor’s plans beckoning unweaving, understanding.


inspired by a tweet and an app. the tweet of unused lips left cracked. containing a meter and style, of thoughts interwoven, wonderfully suited to capture the complexities of the competitions’ strategies and plans.

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his mind
transparent inundated
transparentwith info
by overwhelming facts


called friends
transparentgoing unused
transparentgo and share
those competitions’ plans


Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

Today’s Web Laureate Classic Insight into last Thursday’s poem…

Anonymously – In Kentucky


…was a year long, long ago. but in that time a ditty was so done on the grandeur and awesomeness of Kentucky, ‘in Kentucky‘…


…and with irony rewoven into a grand debate of the time of this, its poetic posting…


tim couch, of Kentucky, desired those who posted to the online, in Kentucky, to be forbade to be unrecognized, to Kentucky, that they be registered clearly… in Kentucky. with the recurring nature of this debate, with the twisting of online TOS, this may be an aging work, but a relevant lesson nonetheless; we can all take away, and best remember, from those, the "grander"… In Kentucky!

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ww11-secret[1] The Internet is special-est
transparent In Kentucky!

Some legislators is dumberest
transparentIn Kentucky

And Tim Couch is the craziest.
To Tim, the First Amendment – extremist;
Finds Anonymous website posting illegalist
transparentIn Kentucky!

originally conceived March 10, 2008

Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

Today’s Web Laureate Insight to last Monday’s poem…

Google: Sees Light

upon a time

google once agreed to censor, going down the path of doing somewhat less than doing no evil. that path a deep dark one, as deep and dark, as seen by some, as going through the deepest dark and dank of the dingies of the Earth


accomplished by digging a hole so deep out of which, once ventured, few, position weakened, dirtied, vision diminished, would be able to climb

aurora said

let light be shone where light is needed, and voices go unheard. upon experiencing a hack attack by origin of China, codenamed Aurora — just the light that was needed for the return commence unimpeded — Google found the strength to climb back out from that hole begun long ago


and in manner less covert than the attack and the message within Google has most basically declared that China can and must acclimate to the statement of departure and say "Google, Bye" — the same message as above composed of the syllables of each line, as 1 syllable being ‘A’ and 26 syllables ‘Z’, so too does the poem spell out the message supportively

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my mother always said – dig

a hole deep deep enough ’til out the other side you can pop

and up up emerging through where in china you will be but

that darkness traveled will have

and that journey gone the traveler who would me (,)

be smattered dirty

so used to venturing where light does not reach one’s vision dimmed and blurred only strong right return or go

as I yes did not


Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

Today’s Web Laureate Classic Insight into last Thursday’s poem…

Twitter: Oh Twitter!


simplicity in spirit, and intended to ooze the frivolously fun that twitter can be

at the time of the writing of this poem … and often discussed and argued to this day … is the necessity of a business model for twitter — so with fun throughout, the question remains, is it too much fun and not enough focus on the sustainable generation of a dollar or 2 (probably more to be sustainable :D)


if you add up all the characters you will see that this poem is also a PERFECT TWEET, 140 characters

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I_tweeted[1]To you
Who I love to speak
In time
Tersely shared
Tweeted tweeted tweeted – TWEET
Everyone who does do follow
Really all hoping for business model


originally conceived January 2, 2008

Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

Today’s Web Laureate Insight to last Monday’s poem…

Osnapz: get all


starts full of excitement of the glory now achievable, and high throne upon which you, yes you, may someday sit


to speak of the glory so self induced through the accomplishment of achieving badges in virtuality for digital actions mostly done repeatedly, with questionable value, but the underlying goal of world renowned, positive/negative, recognition.

, and eight…

the extra syllable, the imperfection on the last line, on the line of this grand world-wide recognition, represents the less than perfect purpose behind the achievement of goals for quantity over quality in contributing and participating with your friends and social spheres and once accomplished, would all such goals be a positive or negative grand badge to wear or one of shame and social networking despair

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.