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Tag Archives: private

Today’s Web Laureate Classic Insight into last Friday’s poem…

private beta


there was once a time when there were many and there was a private beta of the week; people trading and hustling to get in. now, while not as frequent as in its hey day — they are still.


yet one set of defining characteristics persist — the long wait — seasons go by, chores get more done, memory fades, hair ages and grays … all while waiting to get into that next private beta

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

400px-Greek_lc_beta.svg[1] I know. I just heard about it too,
Just couldn’t wait — I signed up,
Then delay to get in
for a little ok
Make a coffee do the
Eye the
email and wait
Many days now many
other. Fun
products tried. Waning
my Memory — eye the
email and wait
A new beta a
new alpha —
got in and
Shaving and greying
new months to new year
Cleaning and shopping —
eye to the email
Waiting, for
Who knows
what but
enjoying What
is already here.

originally conceived January 17, 2008

Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

I know. I just heard about it too,
Just couldn’t wait — I signed up,
Then delay to get in
for a little ok
Make a coffee do the
Eye the
email and wait
Many days now many
other. Fun
products tried. Waning
my Memory — eye the
email and wait
A new beta a
new alpha —
got in and
Shaving and greying
new months to new year
Cleaning and shopping —
eye to the email
Waiting, for
Who knows
what but
enjoying What
is already here.