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Tag Archives: anonymous

Today’s Web Laureate Classic Insight into last Thursday’s poem…

Anonymously – In Kentucky


…was a year long, long ago. but in that time a ditty was so done on the grandeur and awesomeness of Kentucky, ‘in Kentucky‘…


…and with irony rewoven into a grand debate of the time of this, its poetic posting…


tim couch, of Kentucky, desired those who posted to the online, in Kentucky, to be forbade to be unrecognized, to Kentucky, that they be registered clearly… in Kentucky. with the recurring nature of this debate, with the twisting of online TOS, this may be an aging work, but a relevant lesson nonetheless; we can all take away, and best remember, from those, the "grander"… In Kentucky!

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ww11-secret[1] The Internet is special-est
transparent In Kentucky!

Some legislators is dumberest
transparentIn Kentucky

And Tim Couch is the craziest.
To Tim, the First Amendment – extremist;
Finds Anonymous website posting illegalist
transparentIn Kentucky!

originally conceived March 10, 2008

Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to not miss out on the new works of the Web Laureate, as well as the follow-up, deep, and meaningful insights.

The Internet is special-est
    In Kentucky!

Some legislators is dumberest
    In Kentucky

And Tim couch is the craziest.
To Tim, the First Amendment – extremist;
Finds Anonymous website posting illegalist
    In Kentucky!



Inspired by this and this.

The Internet is special-est
    In Kentucky!

Some legislators is dumberest
    In Kentucky

And Tim couch is the craziest.
To Tim, the First Amendment – extremist;
Finds Anonymous website posting illegalist
    In Kentucky!



Inspired by this and this.