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Tag Archives: ipad

Today’s Web Laureate Classic Insight into last Saturday’s poem…

Zivity: a positive proclivity for exciting activity


in light of recent events, perhaps this less so describes the website of my affection, but more so apple’s latest gadget — now it is the ipad — and should you read this in the future, substitute the ipad for whatever the latest happens to be


written to move at a quickening pace, leaving its reader nearly breathless in speech, further emphasizing each line of new words more ardently, to capture the sentiment and sensuality that was and seems to still be zivity

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Today’s Web Laureate Insight to last Monday’s poem…

iPad: Frowl


awaited with all did with baited breath for a device given birth from genius and grand creativity. speculation was crazy, yet the presumption remained, that apple would provide a device the surely entertained. yet all most ended up with was a smile, ney, have mixed with a growl, best called and referred to on forward as ‘frowl’


unable to see everything in real time I switched to the apple’s website at 3:09. to see what was all the fuss, the price sounded nice. but there seemed so much muss with respect to the proclamations from news and the blogs, so I dug deeper to understand these clogs. in the end most, not all, could conclude that this new gadget, was the enormous sister (clearly concluded by its obviously ladylike name) of the less ginormous, a mite thing, the ipod touch near-twin disappointingly bibbling sibling

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the smile was one of frowl
teeth borne white
amongst lips curled in near growl
so the site
of conveyance intentioned smile
byte but byte
happiness feigned for while
as in-sight
that of hiddeosotowle
of a mite
grown big enormous gone foul


Reminder: insights and solutions to mysteries within will be posted next week. in the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts and what meaning, puzzle, riddle, hidden or otherwise you are able to glean from this piece

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